
2017-02-21 19:39:02 /故事大全



Men who do not make advances to women are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them. (Walter Bagehot)不追求女人的男人,就容易成为接近他们的女人的牺牲品。巴乔特

If men knew all that women think, they"d be twenty times more daring. (A.Karr)假使男人知道女人都在想什么,他们的胆子会大上二十倍。卡尔

Woman begins by resisting a man"s advances and ends by blocking his retreat. (Wilde)女人以抵抗男人的追求为开端,而以截断以退路为结局。王尔德换言之,始于Don"t! Stop!(别!住手!)而终于Don"t stop!(别住手!)

Love is like the measles, all the worse when it comes late in life. (Douglas Jerrold) 恋爱有如麻疹,尤其在人生来得晚时,更一发不可收拾。杰罗尔德

To a woman the first kiis just the end of the beginning; to a man it is the beginning of the end. (Helen Rowland) 对女人来说,第一吻只是开始的结局;对男人来说,这却是预示结局的开始。罗兰

The hardest task of a girl"s life is to prove to man that his intentions are serious. (H.Rowland)未婚女子一生中最困难的工作,就是要证明一个男性(对她)的意思是认真的。

A woman must choose: with a man liked by women, she is not sure; with a man disliked by women, she is not happy. (A.France)女人必须作出选择:与女性喜欢的男人在一起不可靠;与女性讨厌的男人在一起不幸福。法朗士

When a man makes a woman his wife, it"s the highest compliment he can pay her, and it"s usually the last. (H.Rowland)男人娶一个女人为妻,就是他能够向他奉献的最高的敬意,通常也是最后一次敬意。罗兰

Man begins by ma-ki-ng love and ends by loving a woman; woman begins by loving a man and ends by loving love. (Remy de Gourmont)男人始于向女人求爱,而终于爱女人;女人则始于爱男人,终于爱恋爱。古尔蒙

There are three species of creatures who when they seem coming and going, when they seem going they come: diplomats, women, and crabs. (Johny Hay)似来还去,似去还来的生物有三:外交官、女人和螃蟹。海约翰

All women become like their mothers- that is their tragedy; no man does-that"s his. (Oscar Wilde)所有女人都会变成跟他们的母亲一样--这就是她们的悲剧;男人则不然--这也就是男人的悲剧。王尔德

A man never knows how to say good-by; a woman never knows when to say it.(Rowland)男人总不懂得怎样告辞,女人却总不知道应何时告辞。

It is easier to keep half a dozen lovers guessing than to keep one lover after he has stopped guessing. (Helen Rowland)让半打情人捉摸不定,要比牢牢抓住已经定了心的情人更容易。罗兰

A woman marries the first time for love, the second time for companionship, the third time for support, and the rest of the time just from habit. (Helen Rowland)女人第一次结婚是为的爱,第二次为了有个伴儿,第三次是为了得到供养,以后几次只是习惯。罗兰

Wicked women bother one; good women, bore one; that is the only difference between them. (Wilde)坏女人令人烦恼,好女人令人烦厌,这就是她们的唯一区别。王尔德

When a man dies, the last thing that moves is his heart; in a woman, her tongue. (Chapman)男人临终之际,最后才停下来的是心脏;至于女人,是舌头。查普曼

Twenty years of romance make a woman look like a ruin, but twenty years of marriage make her something like a public building. (Wilde)二十年的浪漫史会使一个女人成为残垣败砺,但二十年的婚姻生活会把她造就成一座公共建筑物。王尔德

Men always want to be a woman"s first love; women have a more subtle instinct; what they like is to be a man"s last romance. (Wilde)男人老掂着当女人的第一个情人;女人却有更微妙的本能,她们喜欢成为男人追求的最后一个对象。王尔德

A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. (Robert Frost)做母亲的花费二十年功夫把男孩子养大成男子汉,到了别的女人手上,只要二十分钟就会把他变成一个傻瓜。弗洛斯特

Next to the pleasure of ma-ki-ng a new mistreis that of being rid of old one.(Wycherly)仅次于找到新情人之乐的,是甩掉旧的一个。威彻利

The longest five years in a woman"s life are between 29 and 30.(Ian Hay)女性的一生中最长的五年在于29至30岁之间。海-伊恩(曹溪推荐)




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