
2016-12-04 05:30:40 /故事大全

来源: 新东方英语 14年10月号









  I love xiangqi, also known as Chinese chess. I play competitively at the university league level. Xiangqi is a two-player board game (棋盘游戏) similar to international chess. The game originated in China and is widely popular in Chinese-speaking communities all over the world. It is also gaining popularity among non-Chinese speakers in the West, where players compete at a very high level. Compared to international chess, while the underlying structures are the same, the Chinese version is more fast-moving and combative. The moves and rules are different; the “maneuverability (操控性) ratio” of xiangqi is higher and thus somewhat more difficult. Many of China’s world-class international chess masters are said to have started with Chinese chess before switching to international chess.


  Xiangqi has taught me many lessons about economics, financial decision making, winning and losing, and about life itself. First, xiangqi teaches about thinking before acting; planning before execution. Sometimes one has to sacrifice a pawn (called “soldier”) for positional advantage. Self-discipline and patience are vital because long term gain is almost always the result of short term denial of instant gratification. The same is true with investment. Xiangqi is as much a game about what I want to do to attack as it is about what the reaction of the opponent is going to be: and if the opponent is going to take action A, then how do I protect my own asset, or if the opponent is going to take action B, then what do I do to prevent the opponent’s move; and if it is unavoidable what can I do to reduce the possible damage to a minimum? There should always be backup plans. Flexibility, the willingness and readiness to change a game plan, i.e., to make adjustments, is crucial. Finally, xiangqi is all about positive thinking: very often a bad decision or a bad move can spell disaster. I can keep on thinking what I could have done or what I shouldn’t have done, but it is bad time management to dwell on mistakes. There is always time, usually after the game, to revisit the problem and to draw lessons, but the focus should be forward thinking; namely, what I can do to fix the problem now or how I can turn the disadvantage into advantage.


  I am a financial engineering major at XXX University of Finance and Economics, arguably one of the best institutions in China in this particular field. My four-year education there has taught me the basics of computational models, programming and theoretical frameworks to investigate and evaluate derivative products (衍生产品), and fixed asset investments. I have also studied global trading markets and practices. I won 3rd place in a campus-wide trade simulation contest during my sophomore year. Outside the school environment, I have invested in the private equity (股权) of XX, a mobile game publisher that helps Western companies enter China. In addition to being a shareholder in the company, I have played consultative roles in forming foreign contracts and other legal documents and in capital operation. Interestingly, when I interned at the Bank of China during my junior year, I met a couple of Americans who asked me why many Chinese were obsessed with gambling. They were not referring to speculative activities in the financial world, but rather gambling in casinos (赌场) in Las Vegas and in Macau. This was a tough question because there simply was no easy answer to it. The irony is that statistics show China enjoys the highest saving rate in the world. Chinese people just hate to live on borrowed money; they hate to pay high interest on credit cards; historically they do not trust that the government, somehow, will take care of them when they age. The only way they can expect to be able to pay their bills when they retire is if they have sufficient savings in the bank and if their children will chip in (共同支付). And yet, it is also true that the Chinese, some of them anyway, do gamble and gamble big; sometimes losing their life’s saving. I told my American friends the possible reasons were 1) Chinese people believe in luck and luck is something that is based purely on intuition, superstition, and personal wish; it is not based on science or logic or facts; 2) my fellow countrymen have little access to professional trading and risk management guidance and have inadequate knowledge of the numerous financial investment products available; 3) if they do have information about certain products being offered in the market, they do not have enough trust in the information or the products themselves. These reasons, plus many others, work to push them to casinos in droves. Too bad for them, but good for Las Vegas and Macau.

  评析:本段主要描写了申请者在专业学习上的几段经历,叙述详略得当,从校内到校外,逻辑合理,语言流畅。申请者在写银行实习经历时,通过老外的问题(为什么许多中国人喜欢到赌城去赌博?)巧妙地引出自己深刻的思考和独到的见解。这段描写既有观察(一方面中国人的储蓄率是全球最高的;另一方面中国人确实有通过赌博来实现一夜暴富的投机心理),又有分析(三个可能的理由,且每个都和专业有关)。最后一句“Too bad for them, but good for Las Vegas and Macau.”反映出申请者的幽默感和对社会不良风气的批判,同时为最后一段“我”的留学动机做好了铺垫。

  My design for my future career is one that is intricately tied with the development of comprehensive trading strategies and risk management techniques which can help my clients and customers better balance their profit and risk. I fully believe New York University’s program in financial engineering matches my professional aspirations. After graduation, I can start with derivatives trading or a structuring position providing individual investors with strategies involving elementary and structured derivatives to manage their risk exposures in various markets. In the long run, I’m interested in developing more comprehensive cross asset portfolio (投资组合) management techniques to further optimize strategies provided to clients. I am committed to helping turn gambling on the part of many into a deliberate investment.


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